A time hollaba by carpet roses;
and noble poets, mentidas goddesses
prodigabanme names;
over i, haughty, with vain pride,
which golden eagle to vile worm,
looked at men.
my thought - in reckless flight-
ardent man after that durst sue the sky
object to my dears,
and if the earth with disdain returning
sad look, my pride unholy
marchitaba flowers.
Perhaps for a moment capricious
including revole, which butterfly,
without just suck in any;
because mystical well always hungering,
cried out in vain, as tender infante
wants to embrace the moon.
Today, despenada of the excelsa summit
oj sbi look of the sun's burning Firelight
that fascinated my eyes,
which dry leaf to the guardsman whirlwind,
i to the power of the rough destination ...
I handed them over to his cravings!
Cowardly heart, that the knot close
moaning Xufres, tell me: what has been done
your presumption haughty?
What magical power, in such baseness
already bartering your indomitable fierceness,
deprived of freedom you?
¡miserable slave owner of tyrant,
thy glory was which liar dream,
that with shadows flee!
Di, what made so many illusions
of foolish vanity, weak plants
that northward destroys?
In time wrenching to my happy rest,
does not thou saidst, superb and proud:
-Who domara my brio?
With my only power hare, if i want,
move of course to the Zephyr lightweight
and burn the cold marble!
¡disastrous blindness! ¡Delirium unhealthy!
you cry the reason ... More how in vain
te warned your madness!...
you yourself did you pursue the chain,
that eternal servitude to condemn you,
y to a duel and bitterness!
The ties capricious than other days
-by hobby - to your pleasure tejias,
were of silk and gold;
the that now pay your value first,
are links of heavy steel,
temperate with your wept.
What esperaste, woe to you!, a chest ice cream
of immense pride and presumption swollen,
of vipers nourished?
Your -that anhelabas so sublime object-
how at the whim of a deadly subject
te drag fold?
What with that veil your love covered my eyes,
that by flowers take hard thorns,
and gold clay?...
oh Of The clumsy deception my rivals laugh,
and my lovers, ay, perhaps
park right on the yoke that humiliates me!
what your what you suffer heart cowardly?
does and your servitude flaunting
you want to see in my forehead
the stamp of the love that devours you?...
Ah! Veil, therefore, and in good time burlese
my taint people.
Get out of the chest -requemando the lip-
the expensive name of my pride grievance,
my pain livelihood!...
does not writing you see him in the stars
and on the moon that quiet with them
lightens the firmament?
don't you hear, the auras to murmur?
don't you pronounced -in gemidor cooing-
the tortola loving?
does not echoes in the trees, the wind
flattered with paused movement in the jungle
From that source between the clear linfas,
don't you articulate invisible nymphs
with echo ingratiating?...
why silence the name that you ignite,
if even silence has voice, which salutes
that name i want?...
name that a soul leads by dispossession;
name which excites anger with pleasure,
with anger and tenderness;
name sweeter than the first love
of young mother the innocent child,
copy of its beauty;
And more bitter than the goodbye he taketh
that we give to the ground, where the sun first
shone our life,
name that flatters and flattering kills;
name that offends -as thankless sierpe-
the breast which was nests.
No, I don't send it, the heart, the lip!
Save your wanes with silence wise!
Save, save your decline!
oh Yea you too, auras, source,
woman leaves, tortola suffering,
as calla my tongue!
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..